Please read our frequently asked questions below. If you have any further questions, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.
What is the role of the Federation?
The Federation sets the standards for training. It grants approval to individuals, Certified Mentors, or organizations that provide training in biblio/poetry therapy.
What is a Certified Mentor (CM)?
Certified Mentors are credentialed in poetry therapy and have undertaken post-credential training approved by the Federation. They are responsible for supervising, mentoring, and guiding an individual’s training.
What is Biblio/Poetry Therapy?
Credentialed practitioners of poetry therapy use the poetic in all forms of literature. The poetic is the evocative, imaginal language that invites personal and individual responses. Journal writing, storytelling, creative and reflective writing, and poetry are some of the many tools used to enhance the creative and healing process.
Does a practitioner in the field of poetry therapy have to be a poet?
No. A trained practitioner of poetry therapy recognizes the poetic ability in all people. It is not necessary to be a poet to be a practitioner of poetry therapy, but it is essential to be a reader, to have a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for the interactive wonder of words. A practitioner in poetry therapy needs to have a clear foundational understanding of the forms of poetry and use of language in a variety of forms.
What are the advantages to earning credentials?
Your title of Certified Applied Poetry Facilitator (CAPF), Certified Poetry Therapist (CPT) or Registered Poetry Therapist (PTR) announces to the professional community that you have been trained in an area of specialty by the highest standards and have earned your place with your peers as a qualified professional in the expressive arts therapies.
Where do CAPFs/CPTs and PTRs work?
Many CAPFs/CPTs/PTRs work in school systems, religious organizations, programs for children, adolescents, and elders. A poetry therapist can work through state and local agencies, corporations, hospitals, treatment/rehabilitation programs, and correctional facilities among other sites. Those who have clinical licenses work in private practice as therapists or consultants.
Practitioners of poetry therapy can be found wherever there is a desire for personal growth and healing
How can I begin training to become credentialed in poetry therapy?
Please visit Getting Credentialed.
How long will it take for me to become certified/registered in poetry therapy?
Some trainees satisfactorily complete the work in the minimum required 2 years, while others may take up to 5 years of study because of other work and life commitments. People who have completed their training program in 2 years have estimated that it took them an average of 10 hours a week to fulfill the training requirements. Once approved your training plan is valid for 5 years. A certified mentor is your constant guide toward your certification/registration. CMs will help you chart your course and will be with you every step of the way for encouragement, guidance, and expertise.
Will I receive credit for my relevant previous experience?
You may request up to 100 hours of credit for prior, relevant work completed in the last 3 years for which you have supporting documentation. For more details, please see the training guide.
What does it cost?
Several factors contribute to costs. If you need to complete pre-requisite classes, you might incur tuition at a college or university or an online program. Each Certified Mentor (CM) sets her/his own fee schedule for overseeing and supervising your training, which can be hourly fees or a package cost. Attending the annual NAPT Conference is one good way of obtaining training experience as well as enjoying the benefits of professional networking. Some CMs offer in-person training intensives. You are welcome to attend any of these with guidance from your own CM. Most of your didactic work can be done by independent reading and annotation; thus, there will likely be charges for professional books and publications.
Cost factors to consider: need for pre-requisites at the time of your application, if licensure is required, how many prior credits have been accepted by the Credentials Committee, how many national workshops you attend in person (with travel) or attend seminars/workshops online. Please note that these costs are typically covered over 2-5 years and often paid over weeks or months at a time and are not considered tuition. No lump sum payments are expected. Cost ranges can vary from $5000 to $8000 over the course of one’s training. Certified Mentors will discuss their fees and expectations with you when you begin your training.